Latvian Prime Minister: The West has been naive in meetings with Putin

Photo: Christophe Gateau / Pool via AP

Latvian Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins believes Western countries have closed their eyes to the intentions of Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The naivety is over,” he says.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has now opened the eyes of several EU countries, Karins told the Latvian news agency Leta on Friday.

“Many European countries have lived in the illusion that anything can be negotiated as long as they find the right words to say to Putin and if they are patient,” Karins said.

But now that one sees a war unfolding in Ukraine, the countries realize that these were only false hopes, he added.

“The world has not wanted to accept the obvious. Now everything has changed. Putin has lost all trust and support in the democratic world,” Karins stated.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "Latvian Prime Minister: The West has been naive in meetings with Putin"

  1. The West has been naive regarding the fears of NATO of the Russians and whether or not they would go to war to stop it from getting into Ukraine – that is certainly true.
    As to any diabolical Russian plans of world conquest, Karins can spare us.

    And regardless of recent Russian bluster, Latvia itself is guaranteed safe as a NATO member with a U.S. Cavalry nuclear deterrent tripwire detachment in it, as long as we don’t start massing *offensive* weapons – tanks, attack helicopters, etc. – in it.

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