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Local management in KrF divided on choice of path

Knut Arild Hareide Joker Krf human rights Christian Democrats HolidaysKrF Leader, Knut Arild Hareide. Photo:

Local management in KrF divided on the choice of path

NRK has asked 236 of the 310 local leaders in the Christian Democrats (KrF) about the Government issue. A large proportion is uncertain, but more people want to collaborate with Labour (Ap) and Centre Party (Sp) than the bourgeois troika.


In two separate questions, the respondents have been assessing the various Government constellations available, according to NRK.

On the question, whether the local leaders are: «for or against a possible Government cooperation including Ap and Sp, such as the National Leader, Knut Arild Hareide, has recommended?», 82 of the respondents (35 per cent) answer that they are for and 42 per cent is against. The rest are not willing to answer / uncertain.

On the other hand, 61 (26 per cent) respond positively to the question whether they believe that «KrF should enter into the current Government together with the Conservatives (H), Liberals (V), and the Progress Party (Frp)». 45 per cent answer no to this, while 29 per cent answer: Uncertain / Not willing to answer.

The third option is not an option

The respondents are not asked about the third option – which is to continue in opposition as the current situation is.

In addition to the fact that many are uncertain in their choice, there are also 74 of the local leaders who have not responded to the survey. Thus it is very uncertain how much you can read into the results.

A slight majority of respondents (56 per cent) believe that Knut Arild Hareide is the right person to lead the party ahead. Only one in ten per cent firmly believe that Hareide must resign, while one in three answers «uncertain / the national meeting must decide / will not comment».


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