Mahad Mahamud back in Norway

Mahad Mahamud.Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

Mahad Mahamud is back in Norway after being transported from Iceland.


He was refused Norwegian citizenship last year, but has appealed.

According to TV 2,Mahamud was met by the Police Immigration Unit (PU) when he arrived at Gardermoen on Monday, but was released after two hours of interrogation at the airport.

‘’It’s great to come home again.I will fight in the court of law to win back my passport and my identity,” said Mahamud to TV 2.

He chose to leave Norway in October last year, when UNE refused to grant
him citizenship as Mahamud’s lawyer,Arild Humlen, demanded. He has since obtained new evidence in the matter.

The plan for Mahamud was to travel to Canada, but he became stranded in
Iceland,seeking asylum there instead. He recently had his application rejected and was thus sent to Norway.

The appeal case concerning the citizenship begins in Borgarting Court of Appeal on 15 October and is scheduled to last one week.

Mahad Mahamud came to Norway as a 14-year-old in 2000, and received Norwegian citizenship in 2008.He went to court against the state when the citizenship was revoked last year when the Immigration Directorate received information in March that it is likely that Mahamud is from Djibouti and not from Somalia, as he claims. With the recall of citizenship, he also had to finish his job as a bio engineer at Ullevål Hospital.


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