Majority of Oslo residents want to cut oil exploration in Norway

Martin Linge fieldPhoto: Jan Arne Wold / Equinor / NTB

While a majority of people in Norway on a national level want the country to continue looking for oil, a majority of residents of Oslo want to end oil exploration, according to an opinion poll Norstat has carried out for the newspaper Aftenposten. 

A total of 1,000 people across the country have been asked the question: “Should Norway continue to search for oil?”.

54% answered that it should continue with oil exploration activities, while 36% were against further oil exploration.

But in Oslo, 56% of respondents were against looking for more oil, while 38% supported continued oil exploration.

“Not uncommon”

“It is not uncommon for people to be more environmentally committed in the cities. We have also seen this in other areas,” MDG’s top candidate in Oslo, Lan Marie Berg, stated.

In total, 64% of those surveyed in less densely populated places were positive about continued exploration. In cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, only 48% were positive about more oil exploration.

Progress Party (FRP) supporters are especially keen on continuing oil exploration (87% in favor). FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug says it is very good that the country as a whole is positive about continued oil exploration activities.

“They understand the connection between welfare and jobs. I think that is a bit of a problem in Oslo. There are very many people there who do not understand well enough what this means for the country,” Listhaug said.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "Majority of Oslo residents want to cut oil exploration in Norway"

  1. Hector Hernandez | 24. August 2021 at 11:04 | Reply

    There is something that I do not understand … and that is that if you want to stop the oil business, the first thing you have to do is see.

    Is the country sustainable without this company ???

    My opinion is that no. Before swinging in that way … you have to start developing a number of things that Norway has spent for having so much money … that is, Norway is an Importing country, here a high% of utilities are imported what they conyeva to have money to buy and if you do not develop a hen with golden eggs (industries, internal development and training the population from the base) the country will go down in months.

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