#MeToo case in the Oslo Labour Party

Siri Gåsemyr Staalesen Oslo Labour Party #MeetooSiri Gåsemyr Staalesen, Labour Party, Oslo

#MeToo case in the Oslo Labour Party

Oslo Labour (Ap) has concluded that a leader has violated the party’s guidelines regarding sexual harassment. Labour, which according to the recent polls have been dethroned as Norway’s largest party, has been hard hit by #MeeToo cases.


– Oslo Labour initiated a harrasment case in January after receiving another warning. The party leadership in Oslo Labour has had several meetings and conversations with both the whistle blower and the one being accused of sexual harrassment.

The party leadership in Oslo Labour concludes that the Labour Party’s internal guidelines have been violated regarding sexual harassment, says Siri Staalesen of the Oslo Labour party to Dagbladet on Friday afternoon.

– The consequence is that the person has been asked to withdraw from city encompassing roles in Oslo the Labour Party, including the youth party (AUF). Additionally, the local leader of the person has been informed about the state of affairs, says Staalesen who is currently a representative for Oslo in Parliament (Stortinget).

Will not disclose identity of the politican

Dagbladet is aware of the identity of the person, but states that they have chosen not to hang the person out to dry. The alleged perpetrator did not answer Dagbladet’s inquiries on Friday evening. Oslo Labour Party says they have orientated the person about their decision.

Labour and AUF have previously reported that they have received in excess of twenty alerts since mid-December 2017. Several of the alerts were linked to former Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Trond Giske, who as many will recall, chose to step down from his power positions in the wake of the warning cases against him, but remain as a Parliamentary representative from Trøndelag. Giske still have a lot of followers within the Labour party, especially among the “working man”.


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