Campsites have noticed an increase in inquiries from people who want to live there permanently. Sosialistisk Venstreparti (SV) and Rettferd are concerned.
According to Danish TV 2, Danish camp sites still get inquiries from people who want to live permanently in caravans, often for economic reasons. In Norway, too, there has been an increased number of inquiries from people who want to live permanently or for a long time at campsites wrote ABC News.
The head of the municipal and management committee of parliament, SV’s Karin Andersen, believes the tendency is disturbing.
‘’People who need permanent or temporary housing are squeezed out of the housing market, both because of prices, housing benefit being weakened and “hybrifering”. The housing market has become a difference machine and it must be a serious warning to the government when people have to live at a campsite. Unfortunately, municipalities have also referred disadvantaged people to staying at a camp site, which is expensive and poorly adapted’’ said Andersen to the newspaper.
Secretary-General, Tor Bernhard Slaathaug of the Foundation for Justice for the Losers is also concerned about “trailer park tendencies” in Norway.
‘’It can testify to a lack of active housing policy in Norway.
This applies in particular to large cities and other high population density areas’’ said Slaathaug.
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