A total of 65% of respondents in a new survey expect increased infection rates in the future. Only 16% expect a reduction in infection.
The Norwegian Corona Monitor survey from Opinion also shows that 19% believe that the infection rate will remain unchanged.
The proportion of those who expect increased infection has increased by 28% since October.
In the last two weeks, most people have radically changed their view of the infection situation – now, more people expect an increase in infection, senior adviser Nora Clausen in Opinion states.
The trend of infection in Norway is rising. In the last 24 hours, 1,534 corona infection cases have been registered, which is 538 more than on the same day last week.
In the last seven days, an average of 1,222 corona infection cases has been registered per day.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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