A death threat against Muslims wrote by a person on Friday at immigration and integration ministers Sylvi Listhaug, Facebook page was not deleted until Sunday morning.
According Dagsavisen a person left the following comment on the Facebook page of Listhaug Friday night: “Shut the Norwegian border, setting free our hero Anders Breivik and let us begin to kill all the damn Muslims who are already in Norway. Heil Breivik! ”
The comments which was written in English was deleted on Sunday morning, wrote the newspaper Dagsavisen.
It is Listhaug herself and her political advisor Espen Teigen who are governing that Facebook page.
Teigen writes in an SMS to Dagsavisen that comment was removed as soon as they were made aware of it and that user is blocked.
When they have been asked about why they left the comment to be on Facebook for nearly two days, Teigen wrote following:
– We do our best to delete, contradict and block users whose comments are over the limit, but there are hundreds of comments and a tremendous punch, and we did not manage to get everything all the time.
– What was written there was insane and we certainly do not want stuff like that to be there, writes Teigen.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today