To strengthen the fight against fake ID papers, the Government will increase the budget to the police and Immigration service to 81 million NOK.
There will be New handheld devices for police to facilitate verification of biometrics of foreigners in Norway.
The Ministry of Justice informed that in order to combat false papers and misuse of ID, the Government proposes to increase the budget.
The extent of false identities creates abuse of benefits and crime, and therefore the government will have greater control over who comes to Norway and who seeks residence and visas.
The focus is especially on handheld devices, national ID card for foreigners, losses and verification service.
Tuesday afternoon immigration minister Sylvi Listhaug demonstrated new handheld devices that police can use to implement ID checks on foreigners.
The units will check biometrics and can check whether a person actually is who he or she purports to be.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today