10% of all boys and men are now, or have been, victims of sexual abuse, according to a new report from the Resource Centre for Men (Reform).
‘Very many dare not come forward. The reason is that the information about what constitutes sexual abuse of boys and men, and the knowledge
of it, is too limited’, said Reform leader, Are Saastad, to NRK news.
Reform teamed up with several partners and proposed a series of measures to be submitted to Health Minister, Bent Høie, in hope that he
will take political measures to dispel some of the myths surrounding the sexual abuse of men.
‘A national information campaign, more research, inserting the subject of sexual abuse into the school curriculum, and more staff working
in men’s health care professions, are among the measures that must be implemented’, said Saastad.
‘In addition, one must acknowledge that women do commit abuses’, said the scientists behind the report. The report states that in approximately
half of all male victim cases, the offender has been a woman.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today