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New survey: 1 out of 4 Norwegians wants to ban electric scooters

Electric scooterPhoto: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

A total of 26% of people surveyed in a new YouGov survey want a total ban on electric scooters. Furthermore, 65% of respondents want a helmet requirement introduced.

The survey, conducted for Trygg Trafikk and Tryg Forsikring, was conducted in May, Trygg Trafikk wrote in a press release. 

As many as 30% of those surveyed in Oslo prefer a ban on electric scooters. However, in the capital, the lowest proportion of those surveyed (59%) want the introduction of a helmet requirement.

The proportion of those who want a helmet requirement is highest in Agder and Sør-Østlandet (71%), while only 20% of respondents in the region want to ban electric scooters. 

As many as 52% of those surveyed said they did not want such a ban.

Communications consultant Christoffer Solstad Steen in Trygg Trafikk says they are aware that a helmet requirement would be demanding for the industry and users. However, the risk of injuries connected to electric scooters is far higher than with ordinary bicycles.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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