A total of 79% of participants in a survey carried out for the newspaper Klassekampen believe that a maximum price for electricity should be introduced. Only three parties in the Norwegian parliament (Storting) support the measure.
In the survey carried out by Sentio for Klassekampen, people were asked if they think a maximum price for electricity should be introduced.
In the survey, 79% said they want an upper limit for electricity prices, 12% answered that they do not know, and 9% of respondents were against the measure.
Just over half, 56%, also fully or partially agreed with the claim that the price of electricity should be governed politically and not by the market.
In comparison, there are only three parties in the Storting – the Christian Democrats (KrF), the Red Party (Rødt), and the Progress Party (FRP) – which are in favor of various forms of maximum prices for electricity.
The government is investigating two alternative maximum price arrangements, but Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (AP) has expressed considerable skepticism about introducing a maximum price.
“This survey shows that people have a shared attitude that we should have stable and affordable electricity in this country,” FRP’s energy and environmental policy spokesperson Terje Halleland told the newspaper.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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