NHH professor says Norwegians should be happy about high electricity prices

Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

NHH professor Victor D. Norman told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) that he believes Norway should be just as happy about increased electricity prices as it is about higher oil prices.

The NHH professor has a different view of electricity prices than many other electricity customers.

“The only thing people experience is that the price of electricity goes up, just as the price of petrol goes up when the price of oil goes up. They only see half of the math,” he told NRK.

“The other half is that the state and municipalities become much richer – so much richer that they can compensate us, electricity users, and still have money left. That is what makes me say that we should cheer for higher electricity prices,” he said.

Norman says he understands that private households have no reason to rejoice.

“I can understand that people despair. I’m not saying they have any reason to cheer. But the point here is that there is enough money for everyone,” the NHH professor noted.

Norman is a professor emeritus at the Department of Economics at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). He was the Minister of Labor and Administration from 2001 to 2004.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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