At least nine million people died because of pollution in 2015. According to a new report, three times as many as died because of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria together.
The report is made by a working group set up by The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health, and consists of contributors from both the UN and the World Bank.
Worldwide, about 55 million people die every year. Polluted air, soil and workplaces are the cause of death in at least one of six cases, according to the report published in the journal The Lancet. But the figure is probably much higher as there is still a lot of people do not know about the consequences of pollution.
Most people die of pollution in impoverished countries like India, Chad and Madagascar. In these countries pollution is the cause of a quarter of all deaths.
Richer countries also have a long way to go when it comes to dealing with pollution challenges. The United States and Japan are among the top ten countries where most die due to “modern” pollution as air pollution caused by fossil fuels and chemical pollution.
Nevertheless, the researchers believe that political will can put an end to the high death rate.
“Pollution is one of today’s biggest challenges,” said Philip Landrigan, professor at the Icahn School of Medicine.
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