No immediate solution to SAS strike in sight

Photo: Magnus Andersson / TT / NTB

Negotiations between SAS and four pilot associations within the SAS Pilot Group continue.

The Swedish Pilot Association’s press secretary Rebecca Rosenvinge told TT that the negotiations were still ongoing at 6 o’clock on Sunday morning.

The parties in the SAS conflict have been in meetings in Näringslivets Hus in Stockholm since 10 o’clock on Saturday morning. 

13 days

The strike has been ongoing for 13 days.

“We will sit here until it is resolved. We do not go home as long as the parties are here and negotiate,” Swedish mediator Cecilia Fahlberg Pihlgren told TT.

The leader of the Norwegian SAS pilots’ association, Roger Klokset, said that intensive work is being done on mediation proposals that are on the table.

“I do not know if we want a solution before the week is over; we are willing to spend the time required,” he said.

He described the atmosphere at the negotiating table as good.

Potential solution

According to SAS’s chief negotiator Marianne Hærnes, there is a solution on the table that, in the company’s final analysis, would lead to SAS’s survival and securing savings and income in the airline’s financial rescue plan.

The SAS strike has lasted since Monday, July 4, and approximately 30,000 passengers are affected by it every day.

In total, more than 2,000 departures have been canceled in Norway alone. On Sunday, more than 150 SAS flights have already been canceled.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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