The Norwegian government wants to strengthen investments in children’s and young people’s mental health by NOK 170 million in next year’s state budget.
Minister of Health Bent Høie (H) and Minister of Children and Family Affairs Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KrF) revealed the plan to newspaper Nettavisen.
A total of 100 out of the 170 million will go to the municipalities’ escalation plan for children and young people’s mental health, which the government presented in June of last year.
Several measures
“The municipalities will be able to use this money for the measures they believe are best suited in their municipality for children and young people’s mental health,” Høie said.
The government also proposed that NOK 35 million be set aside to develop a digital health station where children and young people could chat with, for example, a nurse.
The government is also proposing to set aside NOK 30 million to strengthen the investment in child welfare, as well as NOK 5 million for the development and evaluation of an interdisciplinary outreach team called FACT ung.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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