Norway cuts 140 million kroner in aid to conflict-affected countries 

Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

The cut in the development aid budget was reduced in this year’s revised budget, but development aid to stabilize countries in crisis will be cut by NOK 140 million.

Last year, the Solberg government budgeted NOK 860 million for the “stabilization of countries in crisis and conflict.” Now, the Labor Party, the Center Party, and the Socialist Left Party agreed on a cut of NOK 140 million in the revised national budget, the newspaper Vårt Land writes.

Stabilization in the development assistance budget includes everything from dealing with migrants and helping with political processes to ensuring food security and job creation in these countries. 

The funds go to several different organizations in the countries Norway works in. Among other things, Norway supports refugee management in Lebanon and countries affected by the Syrian crisis – primarily Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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