According to a new poll, the Progress Party (FRP) has 4.7% of voter support in Oslo. That is less than half of the support it got in the parliamentary elections in 2017.
The survey was conducted by Opinion for FriFagbevegelse, Dagsavisen, and Avisenes Nyhetsbyrå (ANB). FRP’s decline amounts to 4.8%.
FRP’s first candidate in Oslo, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, says he does not take the survey very seriously.
“We (note: the party’s support) were measured at 9.2% in Nettavisen just a few weeks ago, so I take that number with a pinch of salt,” he told newspaper Dagsavisen.
For the other parties, the support is as follows, with changes from the election in 2017 included: the Conservatives (H) 27.4% (+1.0%), the Labor Party (AP) 24.8% (-3.6%), the Socialist Left (SV) 14.7% (+5.4%), the Green Party (MDG) 7.5% (+1.5%), the Red Party 7.2% (+0.9), the Center Party (SP) 5.3% (+3.2%), the Liberal Party (V) 5.1% (-3.3%), the Christian Democrats (KRF) 2.3% (+0,2%), and others 0.9%.
A total of 603 people participated in the survey, conducted between May 3 and May 5. A total of 73.7% of participants stated their party preference. The margin of error is between 1.7% and 4$, and, as usual, it is the largest for the largest parties.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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Mr.Christian Tybring-Gjedde felt our wraths! all right! Imagine supporting loony Tune Trump to get the NOBEL??? What was he thinking? Nah! Under Trump’s watch, 450,000 Americans died of COVID! Trump said”it will go away! or he was insisting that Americans drink “bleach! (Fact!) Two Americans died drinking bleach! (Fact) What very good news in Norway today! God bless my fave country NORWAY!