The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is asking Norwegian citizens to leave Ukraine due to the security situation in the country.
The government also advises against all travel to Ukraine.
“Right now, people can book a ticket home, there are still scheduled flights, and it is possible to get out by car. But we do not know how long this will continue, so it is important that people get home as soon as possible,” Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt (AP) told NTB.
The Ministry also advises against all travel to or staying in Russia closer than 250 km from the Ukrainian border and all travel to Belarus with the exception of the capital Minsk.
The new travel advice comes into force immediately.
People asked to register via
On Friday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned of a real risk of armed conflict in Ukraine.
Should the security situation worsen, the Foreign Service will have limited opportunities to help Norwegian citizens in the areas. Huitfeldt asks people to register via
“The Foreign Service is now working on getting a total overview of all Norwegians who are in Ukraine. We encourage everyone to register so that we can get in touch by phone or email,” she noted.
The embassy in Kyiv will still be staffed, but family members of embassy staff will return home, Huitfeldt added.
United States, South Korea, and the Netherlands
Over the past 24 hours, the United States, Great Britain, South Korea, the Netherlands, and Denmark have also asked their citizens to leave Ukraine due to the threat of war.
A number of countries have already advised against unnecessary travel to Ukraine.
Since January 24, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has advised against all unnecessary travel to Ukraine.
Source : NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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The British are pulling all their troops out of Ukraine ASAP.
Russia is pulling its diplomats out of Ukraine, so no one on site to coordinate the alternative to invasion: a coup.
Or we could instead just give the Russians the fair and comprehensive peace and security treaty they need and we owe them after the security promises to them we have broken and our Budapest peace agreement breaking 2014 Kiev coup. But NO.
Biden&neocons appear to want to return us to a segregated West vs. East (not East vs. West, this time) world, possibly to prevent China’s economic and strategic ascendancy.
In the meantime this looks like a World War 2 Europe before Asia war strategy, even if the Russians do not want a war, as they have made clear.
And Joe may think this is his big chance to become a war leader and get the Democrat dictatorship I suspect he wants.
But if he and his neocon prodigies think they can control this – keep it a “limited” nuclear war – in sideshows like Ukraine and the North – they are deluding themselves … which I believe they indeed are.
Meanwhile, SIVILLFORSVARS?? for our families – our children (and grandchildren)??