Norwegian corona study on cod liver oil delayed

Cod liver oilPhoto: Jil Yngland / NTB

A study that investigates whether cod liver oil can prevent coronavirus has been delayed.

“We are working hard now. We want to get the answers out as soon as possible,” researcher and doctor Arne Søraas told Dagens Medisin.

One of the employees involved in the project got the coronavirus, which contributed to the delays in the final phase, Søraas explained.

In the cod liver oil study, the participants were sent either cod liver oil or corn oil – both with added lemon flavor. They were to take it every day through the winter. The study will investigate whether cod liver oil can prevent coronavirus and colds and whether it has any other health effects.

In total, around 30,000 people participated in the study. The researcher revealed that about 600 of the participants have tested positive for the coronavirus.

“We believe that the study is very important, also to clarify whether vitamin D has a preventive effect,” Søraas noted.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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