Researchers at the Oslo University Hospital will now research whether cod liver oil can reduce the risk of coronavirus infection.
The work is based on findings made in the large corona study launched this spring, Oslo University Hospital (OUS) stated in a press release.
” We see signs that users of cod (liver oil) have reduced risk of becoming infected with coronavirus, and reduced risk of a severe disease course,” Arne Søraas, doctor and researcher at the Department of Microbiology at Oslo University Hospital (OUS), said.
The data doesn’t show whether this is due to the lifestyle of those who took cod liver oil or whether it was due to the cod liver oil itself.
“We now want to investigate this,” Søraas added.
One of the largest clinical studies
The cod liver oil study will include at least 70,000 participants, making it one of the largest clinical studies ever conducted in Norway.
Doctor in specialization at OUS Saumia Shankarr told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) that the study could be important for people with darker skin.
“The target group is those with a lack of vitamin D. What we do know is that those with darker skin are more likely to have vitamin D deficiency.
“Therefore, it is very important that we get as many as possible with a deficiency or with dark skin, so that we can see its effect,” Shankarr noted.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
I have been taking cod liver oil pill for last 8 years am dark skinned man l can confirm that it has protected me from many elements