A video in which a Norwegian diplomat complains about the cleanliness of a Russian hotel and says she hates Russians has received a lot of attention. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs apologized for the incident.
The Russian Foreign Ministry on Saturday condemned the Norwegian diplomat’s behavior after a recording from a security camera, in which she scolds the staff at the reception of a hotel, was spread on Telegram.
“I hate Russians. Just give me a room. I’m used to clean rooms. I’m from Scandinavia,” the diplomat said, among other things, in the recording, which was viewed over half a million times on Saturday afternoon, AFP reports.
“I think this hotel is scandalous and that all these people are scandalous,” the woman continued in the recording that Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) published on Saturday.
It is not clear when the recording from the hotel reception originates.
Russia: Unacceptable expression of hatred
Russian authorities say they perceive the episode as an unacceptable expression of hatred, nationalism, and xenophobia and that they are considering reacting to the incident.
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs apologized for the incident and told NRK that the diplomat’s statement in no way reflects Norwegian policy or Norwegian attitudes towards Russia and Russians.
“The case is now being followed up internally in the ministry,” communications manager Tuva Bogsnes in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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My mother would have made me eat soap if I had talked to someone in such a manner. Good grief Charlie Brown.
Well said, Vernon. I got to eat soap once, administered by Mom when I was about 9. 🙂
I’ll respect Norway Today and not identify the diplomat, but this and her name … and the video on YouTube … is not at all hard to find.
There is no excuse for any *diplomat* “hating” *any* people, let alone those she has been assigned to. She clearly cannot control herself and should be removed from foreign service forthwith, to avoid embarrassing Norway any further.
Had this somehow been provoked? Was she drunk or high? Could the Foreign Ministry have foreseen such an outburst from her?
She may need counseling, but whatever new field she enters would be wise to monitor her.
Sad affair. An apparently unhappy person.