Eirik Eide Pettersen (28) from Bergen is on this year’s”30 under 30″ list in the American magazine Forbes.It lists people under the age of 30 who excel globally.
The Forbes list contain’s people who excel in everything from art and sports to research.
The 28-year-old from Ytre Arna told Bergens Tidende Newspaper that he is lucky to have got his name on the “manufacturing and industry” list.The sample are described by Forbes as bold risk takers who bring new ideas to Europe.
“It is incredibly cool and an honour to be selected”said Pettersen,who was involved in establishing Seaborg Technologies in Copenhagen.They are working on developing a sustainable and safe nuclear power plant for nuclear power.
Pettersen studied physics in Copenhagen, and there developed an interest in nuclear power.Pettersenholds a master’s degree in nuclear power and became a co-founder of Seaborg in 2017.
The goal of the new reactor is to make the technology safer, cheaper and more sustainable than today’s nuclear power. The first prototype will probably be ready in the mid-2020s.
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