A nursing home in Nordland has been charged with violence against a 90 year old woman who was living there.
According to NRK news, the episode occurred in April, four days before her death. The relatives describe it as a contributing factor.
The police are trying to figure out what happened, but confirmed that they have targeted a male carer for committing violence.
“We were told that an employee could have done something physical to a resident of the nursing home,” said police commissioner, Anne Margrethe Kleczka of the Nordland police district.
The nurse has been arrested and questioned.
‘’The man has explained the incident and denies having done something punishable. He does not acknowledge punishment for what he is accused of,” she said.
A witness to the incident, however, experienced the situation differently.
“The witness perceived that the patient was subjected to something that is punishable. It is assumed that a patient was subjected to a violation of her body as she lay in bed,’’ said the police officer.
The accused had previously been notified for violence against a person at the nursing home.
“This case was several years back in time, and was lodged on the basis of the evidence. He had therefore not been punished for earlier violence, she said.
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