Over 1,500 planned operations have been postponed at Norwegian hospitals in the last three weeks, according to an overview provided by Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK).
In the last three weeks, an average of 524 fewer operations have been performed each week at Norwegian hospitals, compared with 2019, before the corona pandemic. NRK has collected the figures, which show the decline in the planned shoulder, knee, and hip operations, which require hospitalization. Day surgery and intensive care are not part of the overview.
“It does not endanger lives. But it is clear: The longer people live with pain, the more they are affected by it. Patients must agree to live on with the loss of function and pain,” orthopedic surgeon and clinic manager Henrik Hofgaard at Lovisenberg Diakonale Hospital stated.
State Secretary Karl Kristian Bekeng (AP) in the Ministry of Health and Care Services says that the situation shows that the hospitals are following their contingency plans.
“The challenge is that these postponements are linked to the pandemic situation. There is pressure on the hospitals,” Bekeng said, pointing out that the number of hospitalized corona patients is at a record level.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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