15 year old, Penelope Lea becomes the first climate and environmental activist ever elected as an UNICEF ambassador, UNICEF said in a press release.
Norwegian Lea is also the second youngest Norwegian UNICEF ambassador of all time.
The 15 year old was elected to the Board of Environmental Agents in Oslo as an 11 year old, has chaired the Children’s Climate Panel and has held appeals in several major arenas such as during the UN climate negotiations in Bonn in Germany and under Arendalsuka.
The newly elected ambassador is happy and ready to contribute to the UN organization in the future.
“The climate fight is a struggle for children’s rights, security and children’s future. All the basics we need to live. UNICEF works for children all over the world, and I am incredibly happy to work with them,” she said in a press release.
UNICEF Norway thus has four national ambassadors. The others are Manchester United coach Ole Gunnar Solskjær, former alpine player Kjetil André Aamodt and singer Sissel Kyrkjebø.
Secretary General Camilla Viken of UNICEF Norway believes the 15 year old has a fantastic ability to reach through to both children and adults.
“She is fearless, ambitious and extremely knowledgeable. She is an inspiration to many, including me. I look forward to the cooperation and what we can achieve together,” says the Secretary General.
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