President Obama promises ‘charging-stations’ for electric cars

‘charging-stationsCharging-stations.Photo: Tore Meek / NTB scanpix

The United States government is planning the construction of charging-stations for electric cars (EVs) along stretches of highway totaling 40,000 kilometers, running through 35 states.

The charging stations will be located along 48 ‘corridors’. The plan is that there should be no more than 80 kilometers from station to station.

The aim is to curb anxiety among US electric vehicle owners. The need for charging may be an important obstacle to the use of electric vehicles, which need replenishing more often than vehicles running on gasoline – although the range is being gradually extended.

‘General Electric, Nissan and a number of other companies will contribute to the development of charging stations in the United States’, said the White House.

EVs are considered an important measure to combat climate change, since they cause lower CO2 emissions than petrol and diesel cars.

In Norway, a pioneer in the use of electric vehicles, a network of charging stations along many of the busiest stretches of road has already been developed.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today