Radica scientists proposed climate change plan

demonstrations, environmental protectionOslo.Demonstrations, Environmental protection.Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

The government’s proposed new climate change plan could undermine the Paris Agreement and dilute the Constitution, says research group “Concerned Scientists Norway”.

In principle, the group is in favor of the proposal to introduce a climate change plan but cannot agree to support the government’s proposal, the researchers wrote in its response.

Climate proposal was sent out for consultation in late September which has received lots of criticism.

Researchers react specifically to wording that Norway should be a “low carbon society” by 2050.

– This is insufficient. The goal should be that Norway is a zero-emission society by 2050, they write, pointing out that on Paris Agreement Norway have committed itself to the goal of aiming for a maximum 1.5 degree warming.

– An absolute minimum should be climate neutrality with a quantified emission on Norwegian territory, said in response to the consultation.

The proposed climate bill will thus dilute the Constitution, paragraph 112, which states that the state has a duty to ensure that present and future generations secured a livable climate, scientists believe.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today