Rapper Kamelen acquitted for shouting “fuck police” during a concert in Kristiansand

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

The rapper Marcus Kabelo Møll Mosele has been acquitted in the Agder Court of Appeal for shouting “fuck police” during a concert in Kristiansand in 2018.

In September last year, the rapper was found guilty on all counts in the indictment in Kristiansand District Court. He had to appear in court after he refused to pay a fine of NOK 12,000 after a concert at the nightclub Kicks in Kristiansand in December 2018.

When two police officers with yellow reflective vests entered the room during the concert, the rapper crowd-surfed from the stage to the bar while allegedly shouting “Fuck police.” The audience repeated the chant.

The verdict from the district court on insulting public officials was criticized from a freedom of expression perspective. Still, even though the rapper was acquitted on this point, the Court of Appeal also made different considerations before reaching a decision, newspaper Rett 24 writes.

The court pointed out that Kamelen may not have been aware that the police were present in the room, that the shouts were part of his usual show, and that it was – therefore – not sufficiently proven that the rapper deliberately insulted the two police officers.

As Mosele was already convicted of drug use and resisting arrest, his fine was reduced to NOK 4,000.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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