Raymond Johansen wants to stop the process of approving new taxi licenses in Oslo

Raymond JohansenPhoto: Jil Yngland / NTB

In August, there may be a record number of taxi licenses in Oslo. Now, Raymond Johansen (AP) is asking the government to stop the issuing of new licenses out of fear that the industry may collapse.

City Council chief Raymond Johansen (AP) asked the government for an immediate halt in the approval of new taxi licenses on Monday.

There are now 2,661 taxi licenses in Oslo. That is an increase of 987 licenses since the new taxi reform was adopted in November last year. The reform greatly relaxed the rules for driving a taxi.

In August alone, 154 licenses have been issued, and the month may set a record if the trend continues.

Johansen is concerned. He pointed out, among other things, that companies such as Bolt, Uber, Jip, and Yango register their drivers as self-employed in order to not take responsibility for the payment of holiday pay, sick pay, and pension savings.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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