Mild weather and no mountain passes being closed helped to make the Easter traffic went smoothly with no major traffic problems on Easter Sunday.
As is common many motorists used Easter Sunday to get home after the Easter holiday. It is also expected some traffic Easter Monday since the Easter traffic in recent years has levelled out somewhat between the two days, according to Statens vegvesen (NPRA).
In Bergen the Hordvik tunnel on E39 was closed on the stretch Åsane – Knarvik for an hour after a chain collision involving four cars. All the people got out of the cars according to the Bergen Fire Department.
There was also heavy traffic on the E16 towards Bergen with almost stationary traffic in the afternoon Sunday, but during the queue loosened up, according to Bergens Tidende.
On some ferry crossings both in Hordaland and Rogaland there were queues and delays of up to an hour in the afternoon, but at 8 pm things were more or less back to normal.
In the Oslo area the Easter traffic also okay according to NPRA, except near Sandvika where there were delays from Holmen towards Sandvika in the afternoon. At around 8 pm the traffic flowed fine there also.
On the E18 between Ringdal and Porsgrunn there was also heavy traffic and queues, and Hamar Arbeiderblad writes that it was a slow-moving queue at E6 past Hamar during the afternoon before it dissolved in the evening. Also in Hedmark traffic was less than last year.
Southbound through Gudbrandsdalen and Østerdalen there was reported heavy traffic and queues at the usual bottlenecks when traffic peaked in the early afternoon.
Police have not registered any major accidents with injuries during the Easter traffic, but in several places around the country, several fines for reckless driving and speeding were given.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today