The government’s electricity support package for voluntary organizations does not include the Church of Norway. “Tragic,” according to Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KRF).
Minister of Children and Families Kjersti Toppe (SP) told the newspaper Vårt Land that the electricity support scheme for voluntary organizations does not apply to Norwegian religious communities.
“It is completely incomprehensible that the government has succeeded in creating an electricity package that does not include the country’s largest religious community,” Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KRF) told NTB.
He points out that the country has again been through a period with strict corona measures.
“It would be simply tragic if believers couldn’t gather due to the electricity prices.”
Ropstad believes that the government’s support schemes for the electricity crisis have been complicated and that several groups have been forgotten in the process.
Source : NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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