Seven out of ten Norwegians oppose EU membership

EU flagEU flag.Photo:

67% say no to Norwegian EU membership, shows a new poll Sentio has done for Nationen and Klassekampen newspapers.


At the same time, 22% of respondents answered yes, while 11% said they do not know, Nationen wrote.

“Labour policy is an important reason for the strong EU resistance and the criticism of the EEA agreement,” said Senterparti’s (Sp) Per Olaf Lundteigen to the newspaper. He is in the parliamentary and social committee.

On Tuesday, parliament will vote on a proposal that Lundteigen, along with a number of other Sp politicians,have promoted.

“We ask the government to give an assessment of whether it is possible to give Norwegian tariff agreements and Norwegian labour legislation precedence for what might be Norway’s duty if we become part of the EU’s labour agency (ELA),” he said.

In March, the European Commission launched its plans for a new joint European labour market, which led to debate in the trade union movement, both in Norway and the other Nordic countries, the newspaper wrote.


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