Overall, personnel capacity levels in Norwegian municipalities are stable, except in six municipalities, where the situation is considered critical in several areas.
The municipalities of Bykle, Holmestrand, Nesbyen, Stor-Elvdal, and Meløy report a critical shortage of personnel and competence.
Personnel availability is good in 54% of municipalities but challenging in 46% of the reporting municipalities.
The number of people in municipal institutions with COVID-19 amounts to 644, compared to 633 last week, according to the Norwegian Directorate of Health reports in its latest weekly report.
The reported new sick leave figures are at the same level in week 6 as in week 5, at around 56,000. That is an increase of 55% compared with the same week in 2019. 52% of new sick leave cases were COVID-19 related in week 6 of 2022, compared with 31% in the first week of the year.
Source : © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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