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Significant amounts of gas and oil found in the Norwegian Sea

Ekofisk oil fieldPhoto: Carina Johansen / NTB

Between 71 and 157 million barrels of oil equivalents have been found at Haltenbanken in the Norwegian Sea, the oil company Wintershall Dea reports.

The discoveries have been made in the Dvalin Nord prospect at Haltenbanken, 270 kilometers north of Kristiansund. 

The findings are close to two other fields that Wintershall Dea operates, and they have begun investigating development solutions.

The discovery in the primary target contains resources of between 33 and 70 million barrels of oil equivalents. 

In addition, hydrocarbons were discovered in two shallower, secondary targets, with a total resource estimate of between 38 and 87 million barrels of oil equivalents, the company stated in a press release.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "Significant amounts of gas and oil found in the Norwegian Sea"

  1. Significant amounts of atmospheric/biospheric poison found in the Norwegian Sea

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