SP Politician critical to shamans receiving VAT exemption

MP Kjersti Toppe. Photo: Stortinget.no

SP Politician critical to shamans receiving VAT exemption

Centre Party politician, Kjersti Toppe, believes that today’s scheme where shamans and healers can receive VAT exemption in the same manner as doctors, dentists and psychologists should be reassessed.


– Immediately I think it’s weird that the state provides such support and recognition as a VAT exemption entails. If the state is to provide subsidies, there must also be requirements. In principle, it has to be a prerequisite that the treatment has documented effect, says Toppe to Bergens Tidende. Toppe is deputy leader of the Parliament’s Health Committee and a representative of the Center Party.

25 per cent VAT

Today, all practitioners of alternative treatment receive VAT exemption if they are in the official register of therapists and are members of one of 40 organizations approved by the Norwegian Directorate of Health. Some organizations actively advertise that membership provides VAT exemptions. Among those are the ‘Association for Value Added Tax exempt Osteopathy’.

Healthcare professionals have long received VAT exemption, while alternative therapists have received it since 2009. The VAT amounts to 25 percent in Norway.


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