Sweden introduces entry ban for all foreigners without a negative corona test

Stefan LöfvenPhoto: Jonas Ekströmer / TT / NTB

Sweden is introducing an entry ban for all foreigners without a negative corona test. The ban applies from Saturday until March 31.

The corona test should, in principle, be less than 48 hours old. Persons under the age of 18 are exempt from the requirement.

Foreigners residing in Sweden and employees in the transport sector are exempt from the entry ban, which is introduced at the Public Health Authority’s request.

The ban has been influenced by the concern that new virus mutations will spread to Sweden.

Stricter rules

“The new virus variants are disturbing,” Prime Minister Stefan Löfven noted.

Swedish citizens are encouraged to test themselves after they arrive in the country if they have not done so in advance. 

Foreigners are not allowed to test themselves at the border. Everyone is advised to stay home for a week after arrival and test themselves on day five.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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