Sweden says it is satisfied with being outside NATO

Photo: AP Photo / Olivier Matthys

After meeting NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, Sweden’s Foreign Minister Ann Linde said that Sweden is well served by being outside NATO.

At a press conference on Monday, Stoltenberg said that NATO is happy to cooperate with Sweden and Finland and that the door is open for both countries.

“We stand by the right of every country to choose its alliances. NATO’s door is still open. It is up to Finland and Sweden to choose their own path, not Russia or anyone else,” Stoltenberg stated.

But it did not appear that NATO could count on any new membership applications immediately.

“We have long experience with being free from military alliances, and it has served us well for a long time, even in very difficult situations. We are convinced that it will continue to serve us well,” Linde said.

Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto also attended the press conference.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "Sweden says it is satisfied with being outside NATO"

  1. Very glad and relieved to see this. Tusen takk, Sverige.
    Note her mention of Finland.
    The Russians could not risk a new 1300km/800+mi border with NATO. If Sweden joined, Russia would occupy Finland, no matter how bloodily.
    If *Finland* joined, it would be automatic World War 3.
    I know Jens may have hoped to add other Scandinavian countries to NATO, but surely not at the cost of Finland’s occupation and/or World War 3 and Scandinavia becoming a radioactive wasteland.

    Meanwhile, the European Union is not pulling its diplomats out of Kiev/Ukraine, Josep Borrell saying that as long as negotiations continue war does not seem imminent … so apparently the negotiations are continuing – another big relief.

    Why don’t we just give the Russians the basic reassurances they need and want?, and END this nuclear brinkmanship and Russian Roulette … and the Ukraine war.

    THE ICECAPS – Earth’s ice cubes – ARE MELTING.

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