Teenagers pressurise ‘Westside’ youth for money
Several cases have appeared on the Westside of Oslo in the past year where teenagers push youths for money and call it “fines”.
The police in Oslo are seeing an increase in cases where people use threats and robbery and tend to make youngsters give “fines”, according to NRK news.
‘’You may hear, “you have received a fine of 2,000 kroner”. If you don’t pay, they will take your mobile phone. I have also experienced cases where it was threatened that “if you do not get it, you’ll get a beating” said Shaista Jabeen Abid, who is one of two lawyers in charge of the cases.
This week there is a trial in Oslo District Court, after a boy was robbed. He received a text message where the youngsters demanded a few hundred kroner. When he refused to pay, they doubled the amount and threatened to seek him out at school. The next day he was confronted in the schoolyard.
When he asked them why he was fined, he was told that he “walks around and plays ostentatiously”. They said he dresses up in expensive clothes, talks down to others, or speaks with a plummy accent.
The teenager who sent the messages is accused of attempted robbery and involvement in the robbery of four youngsters. He has acknowledged a penalty in the case of the school yard harassment.
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