The EU plans to set up a fund to help Ukraine, both during the ongoing war with Russia and with reconstruction efforts when the hostilities end.
“Given the devastation and enormous losses Ukraine is suffering as a result of Russia’s military aggression, the EU is determined to support the immediate needs of the Ukrainian government, and to contribute to the reconstruction of a democratic Ukraine when the Russian attacks are over,” the EU said in a draft statement from Thursday’s EU summit, AFP reports.
“For this purpose, the European Council has agreed to establish a solidarity fund for Ukraine and requests that the related preparatory work starts immediately,” it is further stated.
EU President Charles Michel confirmed that plans are being made to set up a Ukraine fund.
“The fund will provide the ability to pay for continued support to the authorities and – in the long term – serve as the backbone for the reconstruction of a free and democratic Ukraine when hostilities stop,” he wrote on Twitter.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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