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The Mayor of Oslo: The 17th of May parade in the capital is cancelled

Children's Parade May 17th, 2019 Horse and CarriageHorse and Carriage at the celebration of May 17th, 2019 in downtown Oslo. Photo: Ryan Kelly / NTB scanpix

We must realize that we must find other ways to celebrate the 17th of May this year than the usual children’s parade of 30,000 children, Oslo Mayor Marianne Borgen told VG.

The children’s parade that goes up Karl Johans gate and to the Castle is popular, and many tens of thousands of party-dressed people tend to show up to watch the celebration.

– “Such a large public gathering is probably not managable for us to be able to put on. That is why we have started to think of alternative ways to celebrate the 17 th of May,” Borgen told the newspaper.

She emphasizes that no decision has yet been made, but that thoughts about how to celebrate the 17th of May in other ways, for example with events in the various boroughs, local communities and schools.

However, there is some time before the National Day still, and the Mayor believes it is possible to hope that the rules on infection control will be relaxed.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

1 Comment on "The Mayor of Oslo: The 17th of May parade in the capital is cancelled"

  1. Everyone wearing gloves and even homemade facemasks … with respect for social distancing and sanitation … could enable May 17th parades to come off, but these measures should be instituted/started now.

    And the gloves and masks could be regionally decorated too. 🙂

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