“Norwegian diplomats are in Venezuela trying to find a solution to the conflict between the government and the opposition,” says opposition leader Juan Guaidó.
Norway has acted as facilitator during previous talks between the parties, which met in Oslo in May. In early July, the talks were moved to Barbados, still with Norwegian diplomats present.
President Nicolás Maduro canceled a new scheduled meeting last week after the US imposed new sanctions on the regime.
“No date has been set to resume the talks, but yes, representatives from Norway are here,” Guaido told AFP.
He states that they want to continue with the negotiation plans.
Opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared as interim president in January and is supported by dozens of countries in his fight to oust Maduro.
Norway, for its part, has asked the parties to initiate dialogue to end the deep political and economic crisis.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today