So far this year, 18 patients have received kidneys from family or friends, compared to 41 at the same time last year. Now, experts are working to find out the reason for the decline in kidney donations.
So far this year, hospitals have registered 174 potential donors, of which donation was possible in 55 cases. That led to 213 organs for a total of 197 patients.
The corresponding figure last year was 225 organs for 207 patients, according to figures obtained by the Organ Donation Foundation.
Kristian Heldal is a kidney specialist at the Department of Transplant Medicine at Oslo University Hospital. He says that the decline in kidney donation from living donors is bad news.
“We received the figures today and are now in dialogue with external and internal partners to find out the reason behind the decline,” Heldal said.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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