Nearly 80 percent of the Mayors in Trøndelag say they have gotten better conditions in the last four years, but many say that there has been a negative centralization.
This is evidents in a comprehensive interview round Addressavisen has conducted with all 47 Mayors in Trøndelag – except from Trondheim.
36 of them say they’ve gotten better conditions, while only 3 say it’s gotten worse with the Høyre and FrP Government.
However, some of the Mayors emphasize that the improvements is not down to the government.
The Mayors got 32 questions, amongst them the question about centralization. More than eight out of ten answered that they have been exposed to negative centralization.
The findings are also reflected in a new nationwide survey of local communities from urban research that Adresseavisen publishes Wednesday.
In so-called rural municipalities 52 per cent respond that they agree that the development in the area they live in is heading the right direction. In central areas, the percentage is 60 percent.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today