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Toxic gas leak in Fredrikstad under control

Fire service firefighterPhoto: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

The fire service has managed to stop the leak of the toxic gas ammonia in Fredrikstad.

“The fire service has stopped the leak. They are now airing out the area, and nearby residents no longer have to take any precautions,” the Eastern Police District announced, adding that they are starting an investigation into the case.

The leak was reported at 3:45 PM. People were told to stay away from the area between the new Kråkerøy bridge and the roundabout at Fjeldberg nursing home in Fredrikstad.

Residents nearby were also asked to close windows and stop the ventilation.

According to the police, the leak originated from the Brynild group, which is located in Mosseveien.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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