Tunnel in Bergen reopened after queue chaos
On Sunday, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration sent a welcome message to motorists in Bergen: The Lyderhorn tunnel opens for traffic. Long queues were reported on both Friday and Saturday.
The news from the Norwegian Road Administration night before Sunday is that the tunnel has reopened and that it will now remain available for use, writes Bergens Tidende.
– The crews have been busy day and night to put in place temporary fire ventilation so that traffic can once again use the Lyderhorn tunnel. We are highly impressed by the efforts and very pleased on behalf of the road users, says project manager Kathrine Løno Lahlum in a press release.
Bergensavisen writes that the eastern run of the tunnel has been opened for traffic. The Lyderhorn tunnel will continue to be closed during the nights for further improvement work.
The Lyderhorn tunnel in Bergen was originally closed from Friday to Monday after a two hundred kilograms heavy tunnel fan fell in front of a car last Thursday. After examining the remaining fans in the tunnel, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration decided to close the tunnel without warning night before Friday, in order to immediately start work on replacing all the fans in the tunnel.
The closures led to very long queues on Friday – at the worst the queue was three hours. On Saturday, the tunnel was reopen for two hours to allow for the morning rush, but at 11 am there was reported a slow moving queue in the area. The road traffic center then announced that the queues began at Storavatnet, where the road from Askøy and Sotra meet, and went down to Loddefjord center.
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