Two out of three Norwegian municipalities reported lower emissions in 2020

Henningsvær - LofotenPhoto: Rune Stoltz Bertinussen / NTB

The greenhouse gas figures for 2020 show that Norwegian municipalities had lower emissions in the year characterized by the pandemic. The decline in travel contributed strongly to the lower emissions.

The Norwegian Environment Agency states that it is difficult to determine how much of the decline is specifically due to the corona restrictions. 67% of the municipalities reported a decrease in their greenhouse gas emissions in 2020.

“The municipalities are important for the work of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Updated figures for greenhouse gas emissions contribute to increased awareness of emissions locally. We hope it will be a useful tool for the municipalities in their climate-related work,” Ellen Hambro, director of the Norwegian Environment Agency, stated.

Reduced emissions from passenger cars, aviation, passenger boats, and cruise ships contributed to the largest emission reductions in the municipalities. 

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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