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Update: 398 new corona cases registered in Oslo in the last 24 hours

Houses - OsloPhoto: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

A total of 398 new corona infection cases have been registered in Oslo in the last 24 hours – 211 more than the same day last week.

In the last two weeks, an average of 177 infection cases has been registered per day in the capital. A total of 2,767 people have been infected in the last two weeks (71% of these are people under the age of 30). The corona statistics from Oslo Municipality show that only 2.8% of those infected in the aforementioned period are over 60 years old.

The peak of infection in Oslo was registered on March 16 this year, with 492 new cases in a single day.

The infection is rising all over Oslo, but now the infection numbers are highest in the Nordre Aker district, with an infection pressure of 628 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks. 

The infection rates are lowest in the districts of Sagene, Vestre Aker, and Ullern.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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2 Comments on "Update: 398 new corona cases registered in Oslo in the last 24 hours"

  1. Even fewer people are wearing masks on buses and trains or out in public, and it’s taking off again and the government will probably decree another devastating lockdown … instead of mandatory mask-wearing.
    We need to get smarter.

  2. Wow. This is seriously scary. Washington Post today:

    “A Calif. elementary school teacher took off her mask for a read-aloud. Within days, half her class was positive for delta.
    A CDC-funded simulation projects that without masking or testing, up to 75 percent of children under 12 could be infected within three months.”

    The Høyre government should be mandating facemasking in schools as soon as possible, while there may still be time … if it’s not of the mentality of America’s evil clown southern governors.

    Thinking “herd immunity” will work with children will be just as disastrous as Britain and Sweden thinking it will work with adults. The amount of *dosage* a child gets can be decisive, and facemasks can greatly reduce that.

    Our children are endangered by inaction. I assume there are child endangerment laws on the books in Norway. ?

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