Despite the fact that the race in the 400-meter hurdles took place at 5:22 AM on Tuesday, thousands of Norwegians got up to see Karsten Warholm win the Olympic gold.
Early Tuesday morning, Karsten Warholm secured a new world record and an Olympic gold medal in the 400-meter hurdles.
Figures from Kantar and Discovery show that 183,000 Norwegians turned on their TV or mobile phone to follow the race at 5:22 AM on Tuesday on TVNorge and Discovery +, Kampanje writes.
That is a market share of 80%.
“The 45.94 magic seconds became historic, and we wish more people had seen them directly,” communications manager Hanne McBride in Discovery and TVNorge stated.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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