Joshua King criticised Norway’s tactical efforts out on the field in the European Championship qualifiers against Romania on Friday. His team gave away a 2-0 lead and only got a 2-2 draw.
‘’This was déjà vu, Sweden yes’’ he said in the press zone.
‘’We are too kind, the mentality is too kind.It must be changed. We led 2-0 after 75 minutes. Point one: spend much longer celebrating when we score after 70 minutes.It’s not easy to score in football, so enjoy that feeling. We spent a minute and a half.
Use three instead’’ King continued.
King said what be thought Norway should do. Certainly, taking on a few yellow cards, going out on time and not giving away the ball so
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‘’I totally disagree with that. He and Perry (Per Joar Hansen) gave their messages. We were the ones who disappointed them today’’ said King.
In March, Norway led 2-0 over Sweden and ended up with only a 3-3 draw. That match was also played in Oslo.
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